Property Fraud Alerts

You can now sign up for free Property Fraud Alert in Marshall County!
Marshall County Clerk & Recorder, Jill M. Kenyon is pleased to announce that Marshall County residents can now register for Property Fraud Alerts. This is a free program that will notify homeowners when land documents are recorded in their name. Property owners should always be on the alert for potential fraud against their properties. Most of the recordings that are filed are legitimate reason such as a mortgage, paying a mortgage off which could be called release or release of lien, refinancing or in other cases a lien filing or judgement that is put against you.
Scammers who focus on property fraud create paperwork, which proves their ownership of the property. The falsified documents allow then to sell property, take out a mortgage or a home repair loan, or use your property for other financial purposes. Counties and banks have no way of knowing this activity is not authorized.

With our new recording system, I am excited to be able to offer this program to the citizens of Marshall County at no charge. Once you are signed up you can receive notification by email or phone call. When a document is recorded it will alert you by sending you an email or phone call which ever method you choose to receive the message. If you own property in other Counties, you will need to register under that County. This is only for Marshall County.

How to register simply go to If you do not have a computer, you can call 1-800-728-3858 and they can register you. I encourage everyone in Marshall County to register for this service!

Do not call the office or the Courthouse as we will not be registering.